Be sure to check out How to Spend One Perfect Day in Quebec City and our 2 week New England itinerary for other ideas around the best things to do in Quebec City Canada!

*Last updated 9/9/2023



Old Quebec City

Quebec City was our kids first visit to Canada! My middle daughter has always wanted to go to France which hopefully we’ll get her there someday. However, we decided we could get her to French-speaking Canada. Old Quebec City is not a bad consolation, it is beautiful. Also, as one of the European settlements in North America, It really has a feel of a European city.



Le Citadelle de Quebec

Le Citadelle de Quebec (The Citadel) is a prominent fortification and active Canadian military base. Be aware, you need tour reservations to get inside both the citadel and to visit the museum. However, tour prices are reasonable as a family pass for 5 was $40CAD when we visited.

The tour takes about an hour and gives you details on the history and development of the fortress. Additionally, you will get to tour a few of the buildings and tunnels throughout the citadel.

If you do not have the time or budget to go on the tour, you can walk around the outside of the gate, which includes some of the outer barrier fortifications. However, if you have time, I think the tour is it well worth a visit.




Chateau Frontenac & Dufferin Terrace

The ginormous hotel, Le Chateau Frontenac, is probably the most recognizable building in Quebec City. It is on nearly every postcard and web image of the city.

We did not stay there, although I’m sure it would be fun (and expensive). However, you can see it in the skyline from almost any spot in the city. Additionally, non-guests are still welcome to stroll through the lobby or visit the numerous shops on the main floor.

Outside of the top of the funicular, at the base of the hotel, is Dufferin Terrace. If you take the funicular, be sure to stop and enjoy the views of the city below and the St. Lawrence River.



Place Royale, Funiculaire, &

Quartier Petit Champlain

I’m including Place Royale and Quartier Petit Champlain as one area as they are right next to each other so it can be difficult to tell when one spot ends and the next begins. Both are located at the bottom of the cliff, just up from the shore of the river. Additionally, both are filled with more shops than you can count, selling souvenirs, art, food, crepes and ice cream.

Place Royale includes numerous buildings that are hundreds of years old, including the Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. The church is closed certain days, so be sure to check times if you want to visit inside.

Also, the funicular is located in this area, which was about $5 per person one way. However, I would recommend taking the stairs down (if you are able) and taking the funicular back up as both give different views of the city.




Notre Dame de Quebec

The Notre Dame de Quebec is the main cathedral in downtown Quebec. In 2023 it is undergoing a major outdoor renovation, but you can still visit the inside after winding through the construction zone. It is worth the effort, if you are a fan of visiting churches.



The Morrin Centre

We visited the Morrin Centre as a last second addition and we really enjoy the tour! The Morrin Centre was originally designed as a prison, then was converted to a university and now operates as a public library. In fact, you can still see the remnants of the iron bars in the windows that were cut out.

I found the history here fascinating. Additionally, numerous prisoners were executed by hanging from the front of the building. Once it became a university, it had a focus on Egyptian history and at one point housed an exhibition with the mummy of the Pharaoh Ramses.

If you are not interested in the tour, the library is open to the public on certain days. However, on the tour you will also be able to visit some of the other rooms such as the chemistry lab and lower prison cells.



Maison de la Littérature Library

Directly next door to the Morrin Centre is the Maison de la Littérature library. Additionally, since my wife is a librarian, we are required to stop at all libraries that we pass. The library is mostly French books, but was a nice stop in and have the kids look through some French versions of their favorite literarture.



The Museum of civilization

The Museum of Civilization was honestly a little different than I expected. Perhaps I thought it would be more of a natural history museum detailing different cultures. It does have some of that including an indigenous Canadian section.

However, it is a more of a modern art museum displaying different exhibits. Some people might consider it avantgarde, some might think of it as weird. Additionally, we did enjoy it, but I would want people to know exactly what they will be visiting.

Lastly, the kids museum is in the basement and our kids really enjoyed it. We almost missed it as the signs in the museum aren’t great in my opinion. However, it has a fun fantasy-land feel with multiple different interactive displays with tunnels and hidden areas.



St Louis & St John Gates

The old town of Quebec City is a walled city and you will see the wall north of the citadel if you visit there. Additionally, there are two main gates, the St Louis Gate and the St John gate, that you are likely to either drive or walk through.



The PLains of Abraham

Just west of the citadel are the Plains of Abraham. It is a large public park and has river overlooks on the south side. Additionally, there is the Plains of Abraham Museum, which details some of the battles that occurred there. However, we unfortunately did not have time to visit.



Montmorency Falls

About 15 minutes north of Old Quebec City is Montmorency Falls. It is an impressive large waterfall pouring over the cliffs that rim the northern bank of the St Lawrence River.

When facing the downward flow of the water falls, there is a viewing area to the left that gives a nice view of the entire falls. From this area, there is a long stairwell that goes to the bottom, where you can hike out and take a funicular back up the other side. Also, there is also a zipline company that offers you the ability to zipline across the waterfall. My daughter did it and really enjoyed it.

Lastly, directly above the falls there is a bridge that will give you a unique view of the falls looking down.



Sainte Anne de Beaupre

Further out, about 30 minutes north of Old Quebec is the Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Sanctuary. This a popular pilgrimage sight.



For Next Time

Near the Canyon Sainte-Anne Sanctuary is the Canyon Sainte Anne. I would have loved to have visited and spent some time hiking here if we had a little more time.





Be sure to check out How to Spend 1 day in Quebec City and our 2 week New England itinerary to see what else we did on our vacation to Quebec. It included a visit to Boston, Acadia and the White Mountains of New Hampshire!